Minecraft Peace Builder

Happening today!!!
Hi teachers!
Please extend this invitation to your students!
Join us in a 5-day Minecraft Peace Builder Virtual Event to explore the lives and accomplishments for the 4 Nobel Laureates.
Speaker: MIE Fellow Cikgu Goh Kok Ming.
Join link for all 5 fun
days! :
☑️ Day 1: Aka.ms/MEEPeaceBuilderMY2022-Day1
☑️ Day 2: Aka.ms/MEEPeaceBuilderMY2022-Day2
☑️ Day 3: Aka.ms/MEEPeaceBuilderMY2022-Day3
☑️ Day 4: Aka.ms/MEEPeaceBuilderMY2022-Day4
☑️ Day 5: Aka.ms/MEEPeaceBuilderMY2022-Day5
Check out this Sway for more details: https://aka.ms/MEEPeaceBuilderMY2022
*Registration is not required, but do note that there will be attendance taking through out the all 5 days of fun!
This virtual program is brought to you by Microsoft MY, Microsoft GTP Fedelis Sdn Bhd, in collaboration with Educational Resources and Technology Division, (BSTP) MoE .

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